Health Care Healthy Drinks

This is What I Drink in the Morning – The Must Try Healthy Juice for Health

I always start my day with a healthy drink. Before I used to drink tea or coffee in the morning but a few days later I understood how it is harmful for health, so I have decided to start my day with some healthy drink. I am suggesting to you as well to avoid coffee or tea to maintain yourself a healthy life. So let us see why this has become The Must Try Healthy Juice for Health

Especially during winter after waking up from the bed we all need some hot drink to chill the cold climate but start saying no to that. No matter whether it is winter, summer or rainy season you have to stick to a healthy routine. Yes it is ok to drink sugary drinks once in a while but never ok to drink it daily. 

Here is the healthy drink which i drink in the morning…

It’s simple. I just add half beetroot, half carrot, half apple and 1 tbsp lemon to it and make healthy beetroot carrot juice. The reason i am using these ingredients in the juice is::


why Beetroot is good for health

Many of us avoid eating raw beetroot curry which tastes really well with chapati. But eating raw beetroot has plenty of health benefits so I started adding it in the juice. Along with other ingredients it started tasting really well.

Here are the some benefits of Beetroot for health

  • Having beetroot everyday helps to lower the blood pressure
  • Beetroot also helps in healthy weight
  • It is very good for blood
  • Contains rich vitamins and minerals
  • If you have digestion problem then beetroot is also one of the solution for it


why Carrot is good for health

The reason I add carrots is not only because of its health benefits but also because it helps to improve eye health. Normally I carry carrots in the tiffin box or I will add it in my breakfast as a side salad. But when I add it in the juice it gives a proper taste and raw bettertoo is always good to consume. 

So here are the some benefits of beetroot for health

  • Of course as i said it is very good for healthy vision
  • Along with health it is also good for our skin
  • Boost our immunity
  • Helps to maintain diabetes
  • Good for heart health


why Apple is good for health

Eating one apple per day will help to keep the doctor away. Do you know one thing ? I never like to eat apples but I do love apple juice or milk shakes. Only because of this reason I have added apples in the juice. The best part is it also gives a good sweet taste to the juice.

Benefits of apple for our health

  • Apple is very good for gut health, lungs and heart
  • It also helps to strong our bones
  • Good for weight loss
  • Apples are a good source of vitamin c and fibre

So because of all these reasons I started drinking this amazing juice. I add 1 or 2 tbsp of lemon to it. You can also try this drink at home but do not add sugar or salt to it.

Follow the instruction to make healthy beetroot and carrot juice

Follow the instruction to make healthy beetroot and carrot juice
  • Take half of the beetroot, wash it, peel it and chop it into small pieces.
  • Take half the carrot, peel the outer layer and chop it into small pieces.
  • You can use finely chopped half or one appl.
  • Grind all these ingredients well and add lemon juice to it.
  • Drink it everyday in the morning before breakfast.
  • Initial few days you may feel full after drinking a few sips but do not avoid it . Atleast have half a glass of juice a day.

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