Top 10 Healthy Smoothies for Summer - Beat the Summer Heat with These Healthy Smoothies 
Health Care Healthy Drinks

Top 10 Healthy Smoothies for Summer – Beat the Summer Heat with These Healthy Smoothies 

Summer is here and we all want to keep our bodies cool. Keeping your body cool is not only possible by sitting in the AC but including these Top 10 Healthy Smoothies in your everyday routine will help to cool your body and also gives plenty of health benefits. So let us which are those Top 10 Healthy Smoothies.

Especially during summer, we all drink more cool drinks or more cold water. Instead of cold drinks you can start drinking healthy smoothies or juices. Because most of the cold drinks contain added sugar or other ingredients. Consuming added sugar cold drinks during summer may cause some problems like acidity, bloating, stomach pain etc. Even drinking added sugar drinks everyday can also increase your blood sugar level. So, consume natural sugar drinks as much as possible during summer. Let us see the list of smoothies which you can include in your everyday routine.

Top 10 Healthy Smoothies for Summer

1.Avocado smoothie

This is one of my most favorite smoothies of all the time. Avocado smoothies are high in protein and an excellent source of fiber. Drinking this smoothie during summer keeps your tummy full for a longer time. A soft and smooth smoothie also cools down your body temperature during summer. So at least drink half a glass of avocado smoothie. 

2.Banana smoothie

Drinking banana smoothie during summer not only makes your body cool but also boost your energy. Rich protein, fiber, vitamin B6 and C, magnesium and potassium in the banana helps to give a refreshing vibe to your body. You can add oats to this smoothie if you are consuming it in the morning as breakfast. 

3.Watermelon Smoothie 

This is one of the best smoothies which you need to have every day during summer. Rich water content in the watermelon helps to hydrate your body and also keeps your body cool. You can also add some strawberries to this smoothie to get more vitamin c and vitamin a.

4.Muskmelon smoothie

Beat the summer heat with muskmelon smoothie. Drinking Muskmelon smoothie during summer helps to keep your body away from heat and also supplies required nutrients, vitamins and minerals to your body.

5.Curd smoothie

Most people do eat curd during summer. Because eating curd during summer helps to boost the digestive system and also, it’s good for gut health. You can add your favorite fruit smoothie to curd and enjoy it during summer. 

6.Peach Smoothie

Juicy fruits are always good for the body not only during summer but during all the season. Because the rich water content in the fruits helps to keep your body hydrated. Antioxidant and fiber in the peach helps to improve your digestion during summer and also helps to cool down the body temperature.

7.Coconut water smoothies

Drinking at least one Coconut water every day during summer helps to keep your body cool and energized. If you consume too much sugar or if you feel tired, then do not miss to include coconut water smoothies during summer. You can add blueberry or strawberry to it to get a better taste.

8.Mixed fruits smoothie

If you haven’t tried a mixed fruit smoothie yet, then do not miss it. Some fruits make body heat during summer but adding a small portion of each fruit in the mixed smoothie doesn’t cause any heat to the body. Drinking mixed fruit smoothies during summer helps to provide all the nutrients to the body.

9.Mango smoothie

Most of the people do not eat mango during summer because mango is a bit heat to the body. So here is how you can enjoy mango smoothies during summer. You can add half or one banana to it and enjoy a delicious mango smoothie during summer. 

10.Green Smoothie 

You might be wondering about green smoothies. Yes, smoothies are not only made with fruits you can drink vegetable smoothies as well during summer. You can grind spinach, kale, lettuce, cucumber and beet greens along with your favorite fruit. Do not add sugar, instead you can add honey or yoghurt to it.

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